Sunday, 6 March 2011

Do not be afraid...- Matthew 10: 28 - MY MEDITATION FOR TODAY

Sunday morning- I didn't go to the church today( which is quite unusual, deep within I think my mind was asking for solitude and meditation). I made my nice sunday tea and as I sat to meditate; chores gradually started lining up in my mind- laundry, cleaning, organising, cooking, readings, projects, assignments. So my battle started, MEDITATE,MEDITATE and block other thoughts. I asked God to help me. The Bible opened on Psalm 31, I am reading, just reading not letting the word to sink in.Correcting myself again, did you pray before reading? I said. Ok so pray, dummy... my mind tells me. Prayed, Lord please talk to me through your word. I start reading again and arrive at Psalm 32...halted on verse 8, it was underlined. My eyes were moving on but my mind stuck on verse 8. I go back and read, re read, and read again ;will share what it says - The Lord says, " I will teach you the way you should go; I will instruct you and advise you." My mind tells me, listen carefully this is out of God's mouth, very words spoken out of His Holy mouth. I am just filled with awe, even after thousands of years, His preserved word emanates His power. The Word is the only way I know who He is, how Powerful He is, what He has done and is capable of doing. Yet sometimes we just let it lay on shelves for hours, days, months and some even for years.
I would let you read verse 9 yourself as God tells you how can you seek His advise. So I finish reading the Psalm and go on my favourite website , come across Matthew 10:28, I quickly ruffle through the pages and go on that verse. Jesus says “Do not fear those who can kill the body; fear Him who is able to cast soul and body into hell.” I go on reading till verse 32- " Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven."
My mind quickly questions - have you done that? Yes, I have declared Jesus as my Saviour in front of hundreds of people and I want to continue confessing the same. It's not a one time deal, I have to use my words, actions to confess Jesus is my Lord everyday. But somewhere a sadness looms over, few of my loved ones haven't done this, making me realise how hard I need to pray and fast for them to arrive at this truth. The need to declare Jesus as their Saviour.

If I summarize my meditations for today, I hear God telling me to come to Him for counsel(Psalm 32:8), He takes me to Jesus(Matthew 10:28), Jesus gives me a reality check( Matthew 10:32) and lastly there is an instruction to continue to work out my salvation with fear and trembling(Philippians 2:12). Wow, it all falls in place. Praise God!
So my prayer today is salvation for the lost, for those who are so busy in the mundane, that Jesus would touch their hearts and souls and confirm His truth in them and their mouths will open and declare that He is their Saviour. In Jesus Mighty name, Amen!

I am also going to meditate on Philippians 2: 12, "Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed—not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence—continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling, "
God bless you!

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