Monday 14 January 2013

JESUS is the reason for every season!

I am writing after a long time, maybe over a year. Many seasons passed by, time passes by quickly and so does life. The enemy tries it's best to keep you from doing things for God's glory. We get busy with mundane things, we get so busy knitting our own webs that sometimes we forget the way out. We start enjoying the things that we created and soon get frustrated with them. Like little children, after some time we get bored and look for something more exciting something that will hold our interest for long.
The good news is that we have permanent blessings from our Father. You can look at the clouds, the sky, the stars, the flowers, the seasons and you will never get bored. There is so much to learn about them.
Sometimes I just want to feel God. I feel God through His creation, the cool breeze, the sun, the rain, the snow flakes, the smell of nature.....all in abundance and it's all free.....I am not trying to be funny here.......Yes, all God's blessings are free except for one........which is our salvation and we didn't pay the price for it. Someone else did......I am sure you know who it is, it is JESUS!

If you know who Jesus is and what He means to you, tell people what He did for you.

He died for that I could inherit the kingdom of God. He was nailed, beaten, insulted, that a sinner like me could be saved. He rose for that the sin in me could die and I be reborn with a new spirit.

If you don't know Jesus yet.......I will say try Him, He will never fail you. Read the gospel of John if you want to know more about Jesus.
God bless you this year with the gift of His Precious Son Jesus!

Saturday 19 November 2011

Sweet November!

Praise Him, Praise Him, Praise Him in the morning, Praise Him in the noon time, Praise Him when the sun goes down...... thats a song I learnt in  school and in sunday school as well. I still sing and enjoy it. But do we really do that in our daily busy lives...morning, noon time,evening.
I have enjoyed every season this year and have been grateful for the snow, the rain, the sun and the heat. All seasons amazingly beautiful. Weather is the most common topic of conversation, you could even initiate conversation with a stranger on the kind of weather it's going to be God gave you His elements to make friends. The other day, as I was trying to start my day on a positive note, the first statement I heard was " oh, what an ugly day" and I replied " Oh, I am so thankful to God that we can be in this day". The result was affirmative laughter. Hmmm.......another advantage of starting your day with  prayer and asking Jesus to send His Helper, the Holy spirit to change every negative action, response into positve God gloryfying reaction.
How hard is the life of obedience? seems hard till you stand at the edge of a river, scared, but once you put your feet in the fresh running water, you don't want to come out of it. Try it.
Just step into the life of obedience and see how God keeps opening door after door for you to get closer to Him and His Kingdom.
A life of obedience requires a mind that is focused on the Lord and His plan, a heart committed to following Him, and a will that is surrendered to His authority.It consists of many daily decisions to deny self, resist temptation, and choose His way.
Part of being obedient is being grateful for forgiveness that we receive from God and His unconditional, faithful and constant love.
Sweet November I say because it's a preparation to celebrate the birth of Christ, our Saviour. Will you be busy decorating, baking, exchanging gifts or will you be silent this year to undertsand why Christ was sent on this earth.( John 3 : 16) and sharing the message with those who don't know Jesus and with those who know but have closed their spiritual eyes.
May  you be the shining light of Jesus, I pray!
God Bless you all!

Sunday 17 July 2011


"He who endures till the end will be saved" - Matthew 10:22
"Then you will not become spiritually dull and indifferent. Instead, you will follow the example of those who are going to inherit God's promises because of their faith and endurance." - Hebrews 6:12

Literary, the word 'endurance' means an act of bearing or suffering.
Endurance in present times has become quite a challenge for people. We have started quitting so soon. Be it marriages, churches, friends. We don't want to wait on the Lord.
Endurance is one trait the devil has cleverly picked to attack us so that we may not be able to inherit the promises of our faithful God( ref - Hebrews 6:12)
If we endure and trust  in Him we shall be saved.....hmmm......makes sense to me. And if you endure more, you get bonus.......YOU GET TO INHERIT GOD'S PROMISES. Wow, it's amazing.

We all have challenges in our lives, some have health challenges, some have relationship challenges, some have challenges at work..... and yes we endure knowingly and unknowingly. But is your endurance leading you to the right outcome. Some might say, " I have tried several doctors but no relief", " I have done all I could but my spouse doesn't change", " My friend has totally lost it, so I shall leave him/her alone" or " I tried everything I could to please all at work but nothing works" or " my brother has become so self centered that I have decided not to see or talk to him" or " I don't like certain person or certain ways in the church so I am going to find another church".
So we begin on the journey of temporary relief/joy/happiness. We quit and we want to start afresh.
We want to quit and make a new friend.
We want to quit and find a new relationship.
We want to quit and find a new career.
We want to quit and find a new doctor or a new treatment.
We want to quit and find another church.
Thats the death of endurance.
But my friends thats not the case with God. He is faithful. He wants us to endure till the end, so that we shall be saved.
For me prayer helps me to endure. The enemy will try it's best but keep resisting the devil and it will flee.

My prayer today is that may God give us strength to endure till the end. Each day as we meet and beat the challenges of the day with His Power which rest in those who believe, May Christ's spirit lead us through so that we may inherit the promises of our faithful and Holy God! In Jesus' mighty name. Amen.

Saturday 18 June 2011

God loves a cheerful giver!

An interesting and inspiring read from John Piper as he wrote on on June 17, 2011:
"Thank you, John Wesley, for your practicing what you preached about money. John Wesley was born on this day 1703 (same year as Jonathan Edwards). He was one of the great evangelists of the 18th century. Today I want to celebrate his attitude toward money.
He is famous for saying: “Having, first, gained all you can, and, secondly saved all you can, then give all you can. (Sermon 50, "The Use of Money" in The Works of the Reverend John Wesley, 1840, edited by John Emory, Vol. I, 446). Here is how he lived this out.
In 1731 he began to limit his expenses so that he would have more money to give to the poor. In the first year his income was 30 pounds and he found he could live on 28 and so gave away two. In the second year his income doubled but he held his expenses even, and so he had 32 pounds to give away (a comfortable year's income). In the third year his income jumped to 90 pounds and he gave away 62 pounds. In his long life Wesley's income advanced to as high as 1,400 pounds in a year. But he rarely let his expenses rise above 30 pounds. He said that he seldom had more than 100 pounds in his possession at a time.
This so baffled the English Tax Commissioners that they investigated him in 1776 insisting that for a man of his income he must have silver dishes that he was not paying excise tax on. He wrote them,
I have two silver spoons at London and two at Bristol. This is all the plate I have at present, and I shall not buy any more while so many round me want bread.
When he died in 1791 at the age of 87, the only money mentioned in his will was the coins to be found in his pockets and dresser. Most of the 30,000 pounds he had earned in his life had been given away. He wrote,
I cannot help leaving my books behind me whenever God calls me hence; but in every other respect, my own hands will be my executors.
In other words, I will put a control on my spending myself, and I will go beyond the tithe for the sake of Christ and his kingdom. "

I hope you enjoyed the above read as I did.
I just question myself after reading the above. Is my income just for myself? What will I gain by accumulating for myself? What will I take with myself when I die, a designer wardrobe, 50 pair of shoes, homes, cars,career....none!
My parents have always taught me to give. And since the day I have been conscious of money, I have experienced that the more we give the more we get. God will always provide.
Yes, my friends tithing is important. It comes from the word of God and God doesn't need our money, He owns everything. He needs our hearts to be free, free from the love of the riches of this world so that we can enter His kingdom easily. By giving we experience freedom.
He is the best teacher I ever had! He taught me to be free.
So lets pray to be cheerful givers.
God bless you as you give and share what God has blessed you with!

Friday 20 May 2011

Breaking Strongholds!

I am writing after almost a month. It was a beautiful day, may be just because it was friday and I was eagerly waiting for the long weekend. Which means for three days I can relax and read as much as I want. A good break for me and you as well if you are in Canada.
Some people at work were talking about dooms day; May 21, 2011, when the world will come to an end. I was little excited as I will see my Father and I will see Jesus. Some people didn't understand the smile on my face. All I could tell them was, make sure you are in heaven with me.
I don't have many affections left in this world. I think it's just a preparation. I have started seeing this world as a temporary home, which is the reality. God is teaching me how to enter His Kingdom. Every thought I think, is corrected, every word I want to write and speak is corrected. Whomsoever God loves, He corrects. He is Mighty and Merciful. He holds me in His tender hands. When I don't have anyone to talk to , I talk to Him. He replies through His word. When we start establishing a stronger and deeper relationship with the Father and the Son, we start to lose interest in the attachments/affections of this world. Our yearning grows to be in His presence and to be with people who share the same relationship with Him.
As we grow closer to Him we also start recognising the adversary. We stop focussing on the symptoms of sins and we start focussing and praying for the root cause of the sin. The enemy is very clever, it tries to establish the stronghold and tries to keep us away from the truth, but God's power breaks every stronghold. So if 'A' is cursing and blaming 'B' , B'' shouldn't focus on why 'A' cursed 'B' but focus on what or who made 'A' curse 'B'. Pray that the enemy will lose it's control in 'A's life and 'A' will see and understand the truth and Christ's will set 'A' free.
All believer's have authority over the evil one. Apostle Paul said that "the weapons of our warfare are not carnal (of a fleshly or earthly nature), but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds" (2 Cor. 10:4).
"Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you" (James 4:7).
As my most revered Ma taught me, I wear the armor of God each morning before I walk out of my door."Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil" (Ephesians 6:11).

So my dear friends go after the real source of sin and evil because Jesus has given you the authority. Jesus stands in victory and those who believe in Him also stand with Him and share His victory. Amen!
God Bless you!

Monday 18 April 2011


We are in the Holy Week and for those who have been observing lent, the Holy week or the Passion week holds lot of meaning. Even for those who didn't have time to reflect on Jesus in the last thirty three days, it's not too late.
For me, I don't have any rituals, it's just meditating on the word of God more closely. More on Jesus, why He died and why He rose. If you fast, you would just get another step closer. My hunger reminds me how I need to repent and plead to God and how much I need Him in my life. Evertime I am thirsty, I remind myself of Jesus, how He would have been thirsty and what was he given, vinegar!!! For me a sinner, a wretch....God gave His only begotten Son. See the love of the Father........
My Holy week started with a dilemma, to read my course books or to listen to God's word. I ended up spending an hour listening to 'Practicing Affirmation'. The author of this book is Sam Crabtree. I am getting this book for sure. If you have an hour to spare you must listen to this:( I am sure you will be hooked on to it if you are hungry for the word)

Yes and I did practice affirmation today, not one time but many times. The author says make it a pattern of life. God's mercy will pour on you.
Our Christian walk is not easy, we fall several times but God lifts us up. We just have to ask.
So I close with a prayer that God will bless you this week and may Jesus show you the purpose for which He died on the cross and rose again. Lets keep Him risen in our lives and those of others.
Continue to work towards your salvation and open your heart to Jesus, raise your hands towards heaven and invite God's Holy Spirit in your life, you will experience inexplicable joy in your life.
God bless you all!

Saturday 19 March 2011

"The only obligation you have is to love one another.." - Romans 13:8

"Owe nothing to anyone--except for your obligation to love one another. If you love your neighbor, you will fulfill the requirements of God's law." - Romans 13:8. Can it get any easier than this? We fulfill the requirements of God's law by loving one another. Reading further gave me more insight into it and reading backwards( I mean the previous chapter) just opened my eyes. I have read the book of Romans before but as I read now it brings more clarity and I read it as my life's manual.
ROMANS 13:11-14 "The Hour Has Come For You To Wake Up From Your Slumber"
We should be living with new urgency, to wake up from our sleep and work on our salvation.(Work out your salvation with fear and trembling).
As I pray for my loved one's and friends salvation, I pray that Jesus would wake them up from slumber and show them His light. That they would not conform to the ways of the world but to the law of the Father in heaven. That they would work towards their own salvation and lift those who are weak.All this I ask, in My Saviour, Son of most High - Jesus' Name, Amen!
God bless you !